Prevent Teenage Pregnancy, Give the Gift of Information

Give the Gift of Information, Prevent Teenage Pregnancy.

Having a teen, the possibility of teen pregnancy and how you can prevent teen pregnancy, has likely been a concerned.  Most people know someone whose life has been significantly affected by teen pregnancy or unplanned pregnancy.  Teen sex and teen pregnancy occurs in all types of communities, regardless of the demographics, level of intelligence or family dynamics.   The truth is, even the most intelligent people, teens and adults alike, make choices that do not serve them well.  This article is intended to provide some insight as to why teens engage in sex, and how you can help prevent teen pregnancy.  So if you think your teen is immune to the lure of teen sex and immune from the risks of pregnancy, consider the power of the procreation instinct and other important points below.

What can you do?  Your ability to control your teen’s choice making is, at best, limited.  However, you have unlimited power to provide your teen with the opportunity to communicate in a safe and loving environment and to provide him or her with the opportunity to make informed decisions.  Second only to love, the opportunity to comfortably communicate and providing important information, are greatest gifts you can offer your teen. 

  • Opportunity to Communicate.  Providing a safe, loving environment, in which your teen has the opportunity to communicate openly with a trusted adult, is important, but it’s not enough.
  • Opportunity to Make INFORMED Decisions.  As a parent or other trusted caregiver, you can provide your teen with, the opportunity to make well-informed decisions and significantly reduce the risk that she will be involved in activities that can lead to teen pregnancy.

What information about teen pregnancy, should teens know?  Tell your teen about how teenage pregnancy continues to affect both boys and girls, from all walks of life, as described above.  Discuss with your teen, WHY other teens have experienced pregnancy.

Blaming the opposite sex and imposing the victim view, l that the opposite sex is just out to harm your teen, is ineffective.  Eventually, teens see through this and know that someone of the opposite sex is capable of, and in fact does care for them.   They also come to understand that nobody needs to force them and they want to do it.  If they are like “who’s using who here- I want it too”- they will have no reason not to do it!  “Boy’s just want one thing” is not a viable deterrent.

The “WHY.”  Empower your teen  with a strong “Why,” to give them the drive to make choices in alignment with their vision for the future.

  • Reasons for teenage pregnancy include a lack of understanding and appreciation of the power and control that the procreation instinct has over them.
  • Survival instincts, absent awareness, reside at the subconscious level and can control behavior without knowledge, thought, education or training.
  • These survival instincts are part of the automatic (or parasympathetic) nervous system, and cause people to do things, most of the time without the person ever knowing why.
  •  The procreation instinct [1] is one of the most powerful subsets of the survival instincts. We are each living proof of its power and its relentless pursuit of fulfillment of its sole purpose and mission, that is, the survival of the human species.
  • Survival instincts require and demand fulfillment of their missions and needs, at any cost. For example, the survival instincts kick-in when a person is starving and completely dehydrated.  People in those situations have consumed substances, that they otherwise know (when not under the control of the survival instinct), to be harmful when ingested, such as sand, poisonous berries, etc.
  • The design of the human body is significantly influenced by the survival instincts.  For example, the human throat’s gag reflex is designed to prevent choking and is influenced by the survival instinct, in pursuit of fulfillment, that is, in pursuit of preserving life.
  • The survival instincts are so powerful that, in pursuit of fulfillment of its mission, it will prevent a teen from accessing the part of her brain that allows her to analyze the situation, think logically and act reasonably.
  • While their missions are focused on life and survival, they can also cause harm and affect humans in ways that significantly jeopardize a teen’s   health, well-being and survival.
  • The sole purpose of the procreation instinct is to provide for the survival of the human species, not necessarily an individual’s survival.  For example, the procreation instinct disregards the health risks to a woman, not suited for childbirth, such as a young teen, and continues the pursuit of the birthing of a new life.
  • The human body is also equipped with pleasure centers, influenced by the procreation instinct, in pursuit of fulfillment its mission, that is, the survival of humans as a species.
  • Certain pleasure centers are specifically designed to increase the motivation of teens and adults to seek out certain stimuli, in pursuit of activating these pleasure centers.
  • The procreation instinct has influenced the design of these pleasure centers to the extent that, certain stimuli of the five senses (hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste), and even mere thoughts of such stimuli, can activate these pleasure centers.
  • The procreation instinct demands fulfillment of its mission and needs, without regard to whether the health or well-being of the teen or adult will be put in jeopardy.

The Night Club Albatross.  Take a drive by any popular big city night club in the middle of winter, and you will witness the all-powerful procreation instinct in action.

  • There is little that is beyond the scope of what young people will do, while operating under the influence and control of this stealth dictator.
  • Standing in line outdoors for hours they wait, in zero degree weather, with one-tenth of their body covered by a modern day loin cloth, because subconsciously they instinctively believe that the more clothing they add, the less effective they will be in pursuit of pleasure.
  • These young ladies, shivering from head to toe, have no idea that the cause of their suffering, the health and well-being risks they take, and their strong motivation and drive to get into the night club, to dance and flirt, is all because their bodies and minds are under the control of that stealth dictator, the procreation instinct, and the procreation instinct will stop at nothing to fulfill its purpose.
  • These young ladies may not have been motivated to move more than absolutely necessary all week, but once they are inside the night club, they have unlimited energy and drive, to dance the night away, all the while completely oblivious to the fact that the urge to dance is created by the procreation instinct, an alchemist orchestrating the release of an amalgam of natural chemicals in the mind and body to effectuate the dance.   The dance itself is nothing more than a human mating call, the purpose of which mirrors of the mating dance, of the Albatross bird, performed elegantly on the Galapagos Islands.
  • If these young ladies are provided with this information they will have the opportunity to:

1.  be aware of the underlying cause of their drive to take these actions;

2. to regain control over their minds and bodies,

3.  use their power of choice making and take a different path: and

4.  ultimately reducing the likelihood of being involved in activities that lead to teen pregnancy.


Don’t Pretend That Pleasure Does Not Play a Part; The Procreation Instinct.     

  • For the most part, teens are motivated by the prospect of pleasure and control over their own mind and body and these often override any health and safety concerns they may have. Teens are driven to experience pleasure, but they are also resistant to anything that attempts to control their mind or body.  She will resist if she believes she is being “duped,” that is, tricked.
  • Teens need to know that, in pursuit of fulfilling its mission to provide for the survival of the human species, the procreation instinct uses sneaky tactics to deplete the most powerful attribute of humans, that is, the power of choice making.  The instinct knows that teens will often do things in pursuit of pleasure, without giving it much thought.     The procreation instinct lures teens into activities that lead to pregnancy, by using the prospect of pleasure, as bait, to motivate them to procreate.
  • Discuss these tactics with your teen, including, what they are, why they exist and then explain how your teen can reclaim her power.    The more she reclaims his power the more powerful she becomes.  Explain to your teen, that by simply being aware, noticing, paying attention, identifying and remembering the purpose of, the control tactics, she can remain in control of her body and mind and can keep the power that the instinct is trying so hard to take away from her, including her most powerful human attribute; that is the power to reason and make choices that align with the lifestyle and quality of life that she wants and envisions for herself.

The Full Affect.  Explain the full affect and consequences on the teens that, absent awareness, fell prey to such sneaky tactics and the affect they have on those people who love them, the people they love, and the new life . . . the full picture.

The Affect on Their Life.  Apply those experiences to a hypothetical involving his life, were he to fall prey to the tactics of instinct and ask him what affect he believes it would have on his day to day life, extracurricular activities, things he loves to do, his dreams, goals (mind, body, spirit, career, etc.), aspirations, life, self, relationships, friends, family, etc.

The Rocking Chair Test.  Do the “Rocking Chair Test” with your teen.

  • Step One.   Have him close his eyes and imagine that he is in his eighties, rocking in his rocking chair, having experienced in his life, all that he has ever dreamed of doing, having and being.  Have him really see it, clearly in his mind and then ask him to pretend it has already happened, how that makes him feel and encourage him to really feel how that feels.
  • Step Two.  Then with his eyes still closed, present another scenario.  This time, he is again in his eighties  and rocking in his rocking chair; but this time ask him, to look back on his life, having not used his power of choice making; having been lured-in by the tactics of the procreation instinct and having played a part in conception and teen pregnancy. Ask him to imagine for just a moment and get a clear picture in his mind of how life has been for him, from the moment he gave into the instinct’s tactics through a typical day and up to this moment in the rocking chair; having not experienced all of his potential, all that life offered him, and having not had the opportunity to live his dream and do, experience and be all that he wanted to do, experience and be.  Then ask him how that makes him feel and encourage him to really feel how that feels.
  • Step Three.  Bring his awareness back into the room, to the present day, to the present moment.  Remind him how fortunate it is that none of that happened and that he still has his teen and adult life to live; the life he wants to live; and that, fortunately, he knows that what he wants and what he does not and that he is clear about why, and that what he wants and what he does not want are so drastically different, that they cannot both be lived in the same lifetime; and fortunately, he is the one in control of his body and mind and he can use the knowledge he acquired today, together with his awareness and his power of choice making, to remain in control of his body and mind and to move himself toward the life that he wants, the way he envisions it will be.

Withholding this information from teens, fools nobody, protects nobody and robs teens of the opportunity to make informed decisions about important life altering matters and robs them of the opportunity to see the lures and bait for what they really are, their sole purpose and the opportunity to take control of their body and mind, make right choices and avoid activity that could lead to teen pregnancy despite the pull of the stealth sorcerer, that is, the procreation instinct..

[1] The term “instinct” as used here, is generally meant to describe behavior that is automatic, does not require thinking or training, absent awareness is irresistible and is triggered by an event or stimuli.  Some may use the term “drive” instead of “instinct.”


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