Suggestions, how to live your life purpose.

Suggestions for helping you live your life’s purpose.

Make a list of thoughts you focus on most often, on a daily basis, that do not serve your best interests, such as doubts and fears about your abilities,  your worthiness, etc.  Some thoughts will be obvious and easy to identify (conscious thoughts); while other thoughts and beliefs will not be so easy to identify.  Look carefully.  Some harmful thoughts have been planted in your mind, without you even knowing it (subconscious thoughts and beliefs).  You may notice these showing-up in your habits and behaviors.

Process the thoughts and beliefs that do not serve your best interests and transform them into wisdom that does serve your best interest.  I suggest using Byron Katie’s technique for processing beliefs that do not serve you.

Prevent seeds of doubt and fear from being planted and taking root in your mind’s garden.  When someone offers you a seed of doubt or fear (and they will), simply decline to accept it, and that seed of doubt or fear will remain with the person offering it, and out of your mind’s garden.

Remember that, unlike the fruit tree, you have the luxury of choice making and at any time, you can choose to weed your mind’s garden, and remove all seeds of thought and weeds of thought that do not serve you and that create obstacles to living your life purpose.

By simply tending to your mind’s garden, and sowing only the seeds of thought that serve your highest and best interest, you will live your life purpose, to your fullest potential.

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