What Is My Life Purpose? How will I know if I am Living my Life Purpose?

What is my life purpose?  How will I know if I am living my life purpose?

By simply tending to your mind’s garden, sowing only the seeds of thought that serve your highest and best interest, your life purpose will unfold before you and you will live your life purpose, to your fullest potential.

Consider, that it is easy for us to accept that a fruit seed contains information that determines the life purpose of that seed.  That is, the information contained in the seed, determines physical characteristics of the seed, what the seed needs to grow, as well as how the life of the seed will benefit other living beings.  For example, the seed of your favorite fruit benefits you and other people, by producing succulent fruit and making that fruit available for you and others to eat.  Thus, we can say that producing fruit, is the fruit seed’s life purpose.

Thanks to scientific research, we now know that the information about the life of a fruit seed, is contained within the seed’s DNA.  Like the fruit seed, we also have DNA.

Now consider that our DNA contains information that determines our life purpose.  That is, the information contained in our DNA, determines our physical characteristics, what we need to grow, as well as how our life will benefit other living beings.  For example, people can benefit other living beings by providing a service or creating things.  Thus, we can say that the way a person provides a benefit to other living beings, by way of providing a service or  creating things, is that person’s life purpose.

In our quest to find out more about the life purpose of humans, we compared the DNA of the seed of your favorite fruit, with your DNA.   See below, the astonishing results that show how the life purpose of both fruit and humans are contained in their DNA.


The Life Purpose of Your Favorite Fruit!

Your Life Purpose!

How did my favorite fruit start its life?


Your favorite fruit started its life as a fruit seed. That seed was formed by merging a plant egg and sperm.


How did I start my life?


You started your life as a human seed.  That seed was formed by merging a human egg and sperm.

What is the life purpose of my favorite fruit?

 The life purpose of the fruit is to grow and to offer a benefit to other living beings, by producing succulent fruit and making it available for the benefit of other living beings.


What is my life purpose?


Your life purpose is to grow and to offer a benefit to other living beings, by providing a service or producing things and making them available for the benefit of other living beings.

Who or what will benefit from the fruit seed fulfilling its life purpose?


When the fruit seed produces and makes available, succulent fruit, people, animals and other living beings, benefit from its life purpose.



Who or what will benefit from me living my life purpose?


When you provide a service or produce some thing and make it available,people, animals or other living beings will benefit from your life purpose.


What information about the seed’s life purpose, does its DNA contain?


In addition to information about physical characteristics and what the seed needs to grow, the seed’s DNA contains information about how it can benefit other living beings (its life purpose).

What information about my life purpose, does my DNA contain?


In addition to information about physical characteristics and what the seed needs to grow, the seed’s DNA contains information about how it can benefit other living beings (your life purpose).


What are some examples of information contained in fruit seed DNA?


Fruit seed DNA contains information, including, designs, colors and fragrances, for the plant, flowers and fruit, and information about whether the plant should grow toward the sun or seek shade, etc., all in pursuit of living its life purpose.



What are some examples of information that my DNA contains?


Life purpose information contained in your DNA, include designs for physical appearance, body structure, voice, personality, health and information about what is best to seek out and what is best to avoid, etc., all in pursuit of living your life purpose.


Is there only one way a fruit seed can fulfill its life purpose?

There are several ways that the fruit seed may fulfill its life purpose.  The information contained in the seed’s DNA, that is most effective for the condition of the seed and its particular external conditions, are automatically activated in the seed, while other information remains dormant (asleep), like a hibernating animal, ready to awaken when the conditions are right.

Changes in external or internal conditions of the seed or plant, can cause the inactive DNA to become activated; but only if its activation would then be effective, in relation to its life purpose.

Is there only one way for me to fulfill my life purpose?


There are several ways that you may fulfill your life purpose.  The information contained in your DNA, that is most effective for your particular external and internal conditions, are automatically activated, while other information, remains inactive or dormant (asleep), like a hibernating animal, ready to awaken when the conditions are right.

Changes to your external or internal conditions, can cause some of the inactive DNA to become activated, but only if its activation would then be effective, in relation to its life purpose.


What does the fruit seed need to fulfill its life purpose?


To fulfill its life purpose, generally, the seed needs to be in a safe place that is good for its growth, which includes, sufficient external support, nutrients and water, in a climate compatible with its life purpose.


Specifically, soil, sunlight and water are necessary for a seed fulfill its life purpose.



What do I need to fulfill my life purpose?


What you need to fulfill your life purpose is entirely dependent upon what your life purpose is.  Generally, your external conditions and internal conditions (health of the body and the mindset), must be compatible with your life purpose.


What is the most significant threat to the seed’s life purpose?


The most significant threat to the seed’s life purpose, is its external conditions.  That is, physical conditions that are not conducive to growth, are the most common reason why seeds do not live their life purpose.


For example, invasive plants that thwart a seed, plant or tree’s growth, will often prevent it from living its life purpose.


What are the threats to my life purpose?


The most significant threat to any person’s life purpose, is the person’s internal conditions (mindset).  For example, thoughts that are not compatible with the life purpose, are the most common reason why people do not live their life purpose.


Thoughts of doubt about your abilities, your worthiness, your passion, your purpose, etc., can act like an invasive plant within you; that is, they thwart your growth, create obstacles and delay and may jeopardize your life purpose.  However, keep in mind that you may require those not so fun experiences of self-doubt, etc., in order to live your life purpose.  Again, it’s entirely dependent upon your specific life purpose.


Physical conditions can also threaten your life purpose, such as not having your basic human needs satisfied, physical harm, etc., however, by far, the most common reason people do not live out their life purpose, is because of what is going on in their mind.


Is it important for the seed to know its life purpose?


The seed doesn’t need to “know” its life purpose, because all the information is in its DNA.  The seed does not even have to “try” to live out its life purpose, it just lives it and absent adverse external or internal conditions, it grows naturally.

.  instructions in the fruit seed’s DNA contain defenses against threats to its life purpose.   For example, the instructions that are activated in the DNA of some seeds, provide information for survival, such as, growing thorns, to protect its flowers and fruit from being eaten by an animal that is not intended to benefit from the seed’s life purpose; or, instructions for how roots should seek out water. Some fruit plants may also have built-in defenses to invasive plants.


Is it important for me to know what my life purpose is now?


You don’t need to “know” your life purpose, because all the information is in your DNA.  You don’t even have to “try” to live out your life purpose, you can just live it.  Absent adverse conditions, you will grow naturally and live your life purpose and your intuition will guide you along the way.  


Think of your mind like a garden.  Like a flower seed in a flower garden, your life purpose either, takes root and grows in the mind, or it lays dormant and lifeless.


If you are selective and only allow into your mind, seeds of thought serve your best interest and if you weed and discard, invasive thoughts that do not serve your best interest, your journey to live your life purpose will likely have less obstacles, less delay and less stress.  


Could it be that simple?  Yes!  See my article on What Are “They” ALL Saying? (coming soon)




For Suggestions about how to live your life purpose. click here.


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